Friday, December 24, 2010

why people change?

people do change right?
though we have known them for a long time..they still can change..
i am not referring this to specific's just that i've seen this scenario throughout my life...
it would be fine if they change for a better life..
how about people change that leads to others miserable life?
it may happens in a family...
in a special relationship..
among friends...
why do people change?
there is only one answer to this simple question
it is because their HEART told them to do so...
it is true that heart will never lie..
think thoroughly before u make a decision..
think the consequences that will happen later on...
think about the people that will get hurt because of your action...
the key to this is simple..
love yourself..
love your family..
love your friends...
love all people surrounds you...
Human nature cannot be predicted....
We all think that we know somebody...means that we believe that we know how a friend or family member would react to a situation...
We think that we know this at least about people we are very close to...Do we really? If that were true, relationship would not get parted. But why does we confronted with people that do changes?
Why does this happen?

I am not sure whether people change at all.
But surely the way they behave or act is so unexpected that we feel they have changed...
In a relationship a couple may have been having the best time together.
Both partners think that they are made for each other.
but then..people changes...
and everything turned upside down..
in a family..
a son or daughter may think they've known the best for them...
but indeed little did they know what parents think will always be the best...
parents know the best...

For example, you have a sense of what is right and what is wrong.
even me also have my sense of right and wrong.
If I believe very strong in my sense, I will never accept what people ask me to do...
so who should be blame for people changes?

ask yourself my dear readers....

p/s: LOVE....

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